Raising Cattle Responsibly Since 1928
Excellence Career Gateway
Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK
The transformation of dairy farmers' skills due to the adoption and use of precision livestock tools is also little documented. The farmer must manage the data collected, organizing data bases, sorting and selecting the pertinent information from the mass available, to analyze and cross-check it in order to set sensible alert and intervention thresholds. Due to the new tasks required, farmers and farm workers must acquire new skills. All or part of the data management work is frequently delegated to consultants or private companies, which allows the collected information to be pooled and the The project is well aligned to the demand of the livestock farming market. Results and newly acquired knowledge will be used for continuous raising of awareness of all young that will participate in this VET course. It is clear that close cooperation between partners, stakeholders and support organisations is the key factor in successful development and transfer of learning also for the future. We will open inside the web platform of the project an excellence online gateway that will be animated by the young participants with their experiences, exchange of ideas, new projects, share of best practices, diffusion of news on innovative automatic technologies for the livestock farms. The gateway's aim is to increase the job opportunities after the training course and will be promoted to the farmer associations interested to have new skilled workforce with a qualified and solid education received by our VET courses.
Internship & Job opportunities offer
The transformation of dairy farmers' skills due to the adoption and use of precision livestock tools is also little documented. The farmer must manage the data collected, organizing data bases, sorting and selecting the pertinent information from the mass available, to analyze and cross-check it in order to set sensible alert and intervention thresholds. Due to the new tasks required, farmers and farm workers must acquire new skills. Excellence Online Gateway is open to the farms and livestock industries interested to offer internship and job opportunities to the Erasmus + certificated students. Through this gateway, students and companies can advertise internships and jobs and select the profiles that best fit their requirements.
If you are looking for interns or workers and collect CV please contact us. This is free of charge as Erasmus + non profit initiative!
ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations) is the European multilingual classification of Skills, Competences and Occupations. ESCO works as a dictionary, describing, identifying and classifying professional occupations and skills relevant for the EU labour market and education and training. Those concepts and the relationships between them can be understood by electronic systems, which allows different online platforms to use ESCO for services like matching jobseekers to jobs on the basis of their skills, suggesting trainings to people who want to reskill or upskill etc. ESCO provides descriptions of 3008 occupations and 13.890 skills linked to these occupations, translated into 28 languages (all official EU languages plus Icelandic, Norwegian, Ukrainian, and Arabic). The aim of ESCO is to support job mobility across Europe and therefore a more integrated and efficient labour market, by offering a “common language” on occupations and skills that can be used by different stakeholders on employment and education and training topics. ESCO is a European Commission project, run by Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL). It is available in an online portal and can be consulted free of charge. Its first full version (ESCO v1) was published on the 28th of July 2017. The latest version of the classification can be downloaded or retrieved through the ESCO API.
Livestock worker
Livestock workers maintain the health and welfare of animals. They oversee the breeding/production and day-to-day care such as feeding and watering of animals.