Raising Cattle Responsibly Since 1928
Zoznámte sa s budúcim digitálneho dobytku
Tento projekt sa zameriava na technológie, ktoré sú určené na chov hospodárskych zvierat. Digitalizácia a automatizácia technológii radikálne zmenili výrobné metódy a systémy v chove hospodárskych zvierat. Aplikácia automatických technológií je rastúcim trendom v chove hospodárskych zvierat a hrá dôležitú rolu v budúcnosti.
Tento akademický kurz je zameraný na vznikajúce nové digitálne a automatické technológie, ktoré potrebuje trh s dobytkom. Je zameraný na interakciu medzi VET (Vocational Education Training) a s cieľom zaviesť nové metódy práce a vytvoriť lepšie životne podmienok pre zvierat. Webová platforma je zameraná na digitálne a ekologické zručnosti, ktoré smeruju trh prace, a prinášajú transformáciu nového zamestnania, kde digitálne a automatické technológie sú prispôsobené trhu práce a svojim spôsobom vytvárajú nove povolania.
Program Erasmus + EDUTRAINING DIGITAL LIVESTOCK sa koná online a je otvorený pre účasť študentov z celej Európskej únie.
Erasmus + EDUTRAINING DIGITAL LIVESTOCK ako online pedagóg nevyžaduje účasť fyzicky. Študenti môžu spracovávať svoje úlohy kedykoľvek počas vzdelávacieho obdobia. Od študentov, akademických zamestnancov sa nevyžaduje, aby boli online alebo prítomní, ak dodržiavajú náboženský alebo svetský sviatok.
Program Erasmus + EDUTRAINING digitál LIVESTOCK tréning je otvorený pre všetkých študentov, ktorí chcú získať základné vzdelanie v oblasti digitálnych vied o chove hospodárskych zvierat. Študenti musia mať najmenej 18 rokov do 30 rokov a musia mať stredoškolský alebo stredoškolský diplom alebo ekvivalent. Kurz bude bezplatný. Každý účastník moze začať a dokončiť program kurzu v stanovenom a dohodnutom termíne. Partneri sledujú pokrok študentov z vlastnej krajiny a budú ich povzbudzovať k ukončeniu kurzu v dohodnutom termíne.
Ponúkame Nové Pracovné Miesta !
Vo webovej platforme projektu otvoríme online bránu excelentnosti, ktorú budú elearneri oživovať svojimi skúsenosťami, výmenou nápadov, novými projektmi, zdieľaním osvedčených postupov, šírením správ o inovatívnych automatických technológiách pre chov dobytka. Cieľom brány je zvýšiť pracovné príležitosti vo vašej krajine alebo v Európe po ukončení školenia a bude povýšená na združenia poľnohospodárov, ktoré majú záujem o novú kvalifikovanú pracovnú silu s kvalifikovaným a solídnym vzdelaním získaným týmto Európskym kurzom.
Ak ste pripravení prihlásiť sa na kurz, môžete kliknúť APPLY NOW a kedykoľvek podát žiadosť.
Welcome to the ERASMUS + Course !
You are about to start a new journey to perform your understanding and approach to the social media marketing.
ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK is an European project funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ programme Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training. The reputation for excellence in teaching sees us at the top because it is an Erasmus + project approved by the EU Programme. Erasmus +.
Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK involves young people in the achievement of new key competences on social media business with a balanced mix of vocational digital skills. It contributes to innovation in vocational education and training, and resort to e-learning via virtual learning environments through social networking to help the participants to learn within the established times.
By completing and signing your application form on line you hereby agree to the following terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”):
1. General
You agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Education Program as shall be notified to you in writing or verbally. You accept that we may vary such rules and regulations from time to time, in our sole discretion, and that our decisions in this matter are final and binding in all respects. These Terms and Conditions relate to your application to take part in the Education Program and form part of your Application Form.
2. Statement of Disclaimer
The ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements, at any time within the learner’s term at the institute. Learners must fulfill all prevailing program requirements.
The ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK does not discriminate in its educational programs, activities or employment practices based on sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited. Announcement of this policy is in accordance with EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, article 21, Title III Equality, “Non-discrimination”.
3. Policies & Procedures
3.1. Admission Requirements
ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK training program is open to all learners wishing to pursue a basic education in the social media sciences. Learners must be at least 18 years of age up to 30 years and have a secondary or high school diploma or the equivalent. ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK programs are open to all learners wishing to pursue an education in the applied social media marketing. ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK is not an undergraduate or graduate degree granting institution.
3.2. Standards For Satisfactory Progress
Learners must achieve a 80% or better overall to pass the course and receive credit towards a certificate. Each test must be passed with a minimum score of 80%. Tests may be repeated until this score is achieved.
3.3. Academic Probation,Suspension & Termination
ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCKS provides academic assistance to learners through embedded course mechanisms. Learners that are contemplating withdrawal from a course, or that may fail to satisfactorily complete all requirements, are encouraged to seek additional help from their instructor or their academic advisor. Learners may retake courses as necessary to receive a passing grade.
We do not put learners on academic probation or suspension, nor do we terminate students unless they are dismissed due to inappropriate conduct.
3.4. Learner Conduct and Conditions For Dismissal
ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK promotes active and open discussion among our learners and Academy. We require that it’s done in a civil and lawful manner. Learners may not use or allow others to use your ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK membership to:
3.4.1. Post or transmit any content that is abusive, vulgar, obscene, hateful, fraudulent, threatening, harassing, defamatory, or which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person;
3.4.2. Post or transmit any material that you don’t have the right to transmit under
law (such as copyrighted material, trade secrets or securities) or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as nondisclosure agreements);
3.4.3. Post, transmit, or link to sexually explicit material;
3.4.4. Impersonate any person, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;
3.4.5. Post or transmit any advertising, promotional materials, or other forms
of solicitation including chain letters and pyramid schemes;
3.4.6. Intentionally violate any other applicable law or regulation while accessing and using our site;
3.4.7. Intentionally post or transmit any file that contains viruses, corrupted files, “Trojan Horses,” or any other contaminating or destructive features that may damage someone else’s computer.
You agree to indemnify ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK and hold us harmless from any actions, claims, proceedings, or liabilities arising out of your violation of these terms and conditions.
You are responsible for all statements made and acts that occur through the use of your user name and password; please don’t disclose your password to anyone. If it has been lost or stolen, let us know immediately. Violating the above provisions is cause for immediate dismissal from the ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK without a refund.
3.5. Attendance Requirements and Leaves of Absence
Students are required to participate in all lessons and other projects as assigned. A leave of absence, or excused absences from assignments, may be granted.
3.6. Applying for Admission
If you are ready to apply to the ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK you may click APPLY NOW anytime to begin the application process
By completing and signing your application form “Application for Admission” you agree all terms and conditions
3.7. Registration
Once you have been accepted, you will receive your access password via email.
3.8. Calendar
As an online educator, ERASMUS + Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK does not require attendance at any physical location. Learners may complete their assignments at any time during the education period. Neither learners, academic staff are required to be online or in attendance if they are observing a religious or secular holiday.
4. Academic Support
Throughout the open date of education learners have access to their Tutor via direct e-mail.
Our online classroom technology is provided by our e-platform. If you experience difficulties, you can contact us by the contact form.
5. Location and Contact Information
The ERASMUS + ACADEMY INFLUENCERS work from locations across the European Union as Italy, Greece and Cyprus. All classes are held online, fostering student participation from around the European Union
Edutraining Digital LIVESTOCK
© 2023 BY CCIP
Qui di seguito Le vengono fornite le informazioni di cui all’art. 13 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 (anche detto GDPR o Regolamento Generale per la Protezione dei Dati personali), in merito al trattamento di dati personali effettuato per consentirLe di partecipare alle attività previste dal Progetto Europeo Erasmus + Academy Influencers promosso dalla Commissione Europea.
Titolare del trattamento è affidato allo staff direzionale di CCIP con sede legale in Via Cipro 18/a 30126 Venezia, e-mail etdigitalivestock@gmail.com che ha designato il proprio Responsabile della Protezione dei Dati (RPD o DPO) contattabile al seguente indirizzo e-mail: etdigitalivestock@gmail.com
Gli eventi previsti dall'iniziativa in oggetto sono erogati online mediante elearning e/o webconference. In tale ultimo caso, per la partecipazione da remoto non è obbligatoria l’attivazione di webcam e microfono, ne è obbligatorio accedere alla piattaforma con nome e cognome completo: per ragioni di riservatezza è possibile accedere attraverso la password fornita dal webmaster. Nessuna registrazione del corso di formazione viene realizzata.
I Suoi dati personali verranno trattati esclusivamente per consertirLe l’iscrizione e la partecipazione agli eventi di Suo interesse, nonché per inoltrarLe comunicazioni, eventuale documentazione integrativa in relazione ai contenuti, nonché l’attestato di partecipazione previo superamento del test di verifica finale; la lista dei partecipanti all’evento verrà conservata anche successivamente dl titolare del trattamento e responsabile della protezione dei dati esclusivamente per semplice finalità di rendicontazione.
A seguito della partecipazione agli eventi, potrebbe ricevere dei questionari di customer satisfaction, per valutare il Suo gradimento rispetto ai servizi offerti. Tutti i trattamenti di cui sopra fondano sul compito di interesse pubblico (art. 6, par. 1, lett. e, GDPR) attribuito al Titolare, in particolare, dall’art. 2, legge 580/1993 e, per quanto concerne la rilevazione della customer satisfaction, dall’art. 19-bis, legge 150/2009. Previo suo espresso consenso, i dati di contatto raccolti saranno trattati dal Titolare anche per l’invio di comunicazioni informative e promozionali in ordine ad attività, servizi, eventi ed iniziative a vario titolo promossi dallo stesso, da altri Enti del Sistema progettuale della iniziativa europea.
I Suoi dati personali saranno trattati da personale del titolare del trattamento e responsabile della protezione dei dati previamente autorizzato al trattamento ed appositamente istruito e formato.
I dati potranno essere trattati anche da soggetti esterni, formalmente nominati dal Titolare quali Responsabili del trattamento ed appartenenti alle seguenti categorie:
- Soggetti che erogano servizi di gestione e manutenzione dei sistemi informativi dell'Ente;
- Soggetti che erogano servizi di comunicazioni telematiche e, in particolar modo, di posta elettronica e di webconference;
- Altri soggetti che, a vario titolo, eroghino servizi funzionali alle finalità di cui alla presente informativa.
Tali soggetti possono ricorrere ad ulteriori propri Responsabili del trattamento operanti nei medesimi ambiti.
I dati personali verranno conservati dal titolare del trattamento e responsabile della protezione dei dati entro un periodo massimo di 2 anni dalla conclusione dell’evento.
Tutti i dati richiesti in fase di iscrizione all’evento sono necessari alla partecipazione e all’inoltro di tutte le comunicazioni a ciò connesse, ad esempio al suo nome e cognome completo, per il rilascio di attestato e sia quindi necessario rilevare il suo accesso.
Il titolare del trattamento e responsabile della protezione dei dati può avvalersi, anche per il tramite dei propri Responsabili del trattamento, di società di servizi IT e di comunicazioni telematiche e, in particolare, di piattaforme telematiche di webconference, che potrebbero collocare o far transitare i dati anche in Paesi non appartenenti allo Spazio Economico Europeo.
Al fine di garantire un adeguato livello di protezione dei dati personali, queste Società possono attuare il trasferimento solo verso Paesi (o settori di questi) che sono stati oggetto di apposite decisioni di adeguatezza adottate dalla Commissione europea, oppure sulla base di Clausole Contrattuali Standard approvate dalla Commissione.
Il Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 le riconosce, in qualità di Interessato, diversi diritti, che può esercitare contattando il titolare del trattamento e responsabile della protezione dei dati o il DPO ai recapiti di cui al punto 1 della presente informativa. Tra i diritti esercitabili, purché ne ricorrano i presupposti di volta in volta previsti dalla normativa (in particolare, artt. 15 e seguenti del Regolamento) vi sono:
- il diritto di conoscere se il titolare del trattamento e responsabile della protezione dei dati ha in corso trattamenti di dati personali che la riguardano e, in tal caso, di avere accesso ai dati oggetto del trattamento e a tutte le informazioni a questo relative;
- il diritto alla rettifica dei dati personali inesatti che la riguardano e/o all’integrazione di quelli incompleti;
- il diritto alla cancellazione dei dati personali che la riguardano;
- il diritto alla limitazione del trattamento;
- il diritto di opporsi al trattamento;
- il diritto alla portabilità dei dati personali che la riguardano;
- il diritto di revocare il consenso in qualsiasi momento, senza che ciò pregiudichi la liceità del trattamento, basato sul consenso, effettuato prima della revoca.
In ogni caso, lei ha anche il diritto di presentare un formale Reclamo all’Autorità garante per la protezione dei dati personali, secondo le modalità che può reperire sul sito www.garanteprivacy.it
Per ricevere maggiori informazioni sui suoi diritti, può rivolgersi direttamente al Titolare o al DPO, oppure consultare l’apposita pagina del sito dell’Autorità garante https://www.garanteprivacy.it/home/diritti.
Io sottoscritto, letta l’informativa resa dal titolare del trattamento e responsabile della protezione dei dati, informato della possibilità di revocare in qualsiasi momento il consenso prestato, nel compilare l'apposito bottone di accettazione dei termini e delle condizioni della privacy summenzionata, autorizza al trattamento dei miei dati da parte del titolare del trattamento e responsabile della protezione dei dati per l’inoltro, ai recapiti indicati, di comunicazioni informative e promozionali in ordine alle attività, servizi, eventi ed iniziative a vario titolo promossi dalla stessa, da altri Enti del Sistema Camerale e/o da altri Enti Pubblici.
Questa informativa è stata pubblicata il aggiornata in data: 12/04/2022
Our Team
1. Information on the processing of personal data
To ensure maximum transparency regarding methods of personal data management, we have dedicated this page to informing users about the internal regulations for implementing The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), also referred to as the Privacy Code, as well as the rights of the persons to whom the data refers.
The European Regulation on the protection of personal data, approved on 27 April 2016 and published in the Official Journal of the EU on 4 May 2016, and became effective on 24 May of the same year. The regulation is directly applicable from 25 May 2018 in all member states. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/IT/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32016R0679
Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 as amended (“Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”), a.k.a “Privacy Act”.
This is the key national legislation on privacy. The legal framework is completed by the provisions and decisions of the National data protection authority.
With the entry into force of EU Regulation 2016/679 and following the amendments made to Legislative Decree 196/2003 by Legislative Decree 101/2018, the internal policies on personal data processing to reflect the new provisions, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter, for the sake of brevity, referred to as regulation or GDPR) to those who interact with the Portal’s web services accessible via data communication starting from the address BELL which corresponds to the Home page.
This information refers only to the https://www.edutrainingdigitalivestock.org/ web site and not to any other websites that may be consulted by users through links.
Information on this web site
Person/s responsible for the processing
After consulting this web site, data relating to persons, identified or not identified, may be used. The body responsible for processing the data is: CCIP, Via Cipro 18/a 30126 Venezia, Italy. For any requests or questions concerning information on the use of cookies or the information on privacy, please contact our staff by e-mail at the following address: etdigitalivestock@gmail.com
This site has no commercial purposes, does not carry out e-commerce activities, does not sale services or products, does not retargeting, does not remarketing, does not manage geolocation services, does not manage advertising, does not manage behavioral advertising, does not manage large-scale data, does not transfer data to third-party companies, does not managed by a public authority, however the Data Protection Officer (hereinafter referred to as DPO) is well available to this email for any information: etdigitalivestock@gmail.com).
It is possible to turn to the DPO for any clarifications regarding the right to the protection of personal data and the exercise of the rights contained in the GDPR and listed in the next paragraph of this information, by using the following address: etdigitalivestock@gmail.com
Rights of the interested party
Pursuant to Art. 7 of Leg. Dec. 30 June 2003 no. 196 – Data protection Code, and Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, at any moment the interested party has the right to exercise (if applicable) the right to:
obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of data concerning him/her;
obtain information about the purpose of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data to whom the data have been or will be disclosed, and where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored;
obtain the rectification or erasure of personal data;
obtain restriction of processing of personal data;
obtain data portability, i.e. receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided;
object at any time to processing of personal data also if the data are processed for direct marketing;
object to automated decision-making regarding natural persons including profiling
request from the controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject, and to object to processing as well as the right to data portability;
withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority named garantepricacy.
The exercise of the right is not limited by any restrictions on form and is free.
Collection of data
The site has been designed mainly to supply information on the activities of Erasmus + Academy Influencers project. In general, therefore, the site does not collect personal data. When it becomes necessary to collect personal data – which the user is always free not to provide – appropriate information is drawn up in compliance with Italian and EU law that underlines the specific purposes for the data collected, amongst other things. You are kindly invited to ready these notices before providing your data.
The place where data is processed
Processing to do with this website takes place at the server of the seller of the web service purchased and precisely Wix.com LTD 40 Namal Tel Aviv, 6350671 Israel where the server that physically contains the data is managed. No data obtained from the web service will be communicated or disclosed to third parties. Personal data provided by users forwarding requests for information, answers to questions, brochures, documents, candidature application, etc.) is only used to carry out the requested service and is only disclosed to third parties if necessary for said purpose.
CCIP guarantees that the processing of data – whether this has been acquired by email, from electronic forms, or in another way – is in compliance with the data protection laws.
The kind of data processed
Navigation data
During the ordinary course of operations, the IT systems and software procedures for running this website acquire some personal data whose transmission is implied in the use of the communication protocols of the Internet.
It concerns information that is not collected to be associated with specific individuals, but by its very nature could, through the processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the site, URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc..) and other parameters related to the operating system and the users. This data is used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the site and to check its correct functioning and is kept for the minimum period demanded by the regulations in force.
This data could eventually be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes to the detriment of the site.
Data provided willingly by users
During the ordinary course of operations, the IT systems and software procedures for running this website acquire some personal data whose transmission is implied in the use of the communication protocols of the Internet. Specific summaries of information relating to particular services on request will be provided or displayed on the website pages.
The processing procedures
Personal data is processed through automated systems for the time strictly necessary to attain the purposes for which it has been collected. Specific safety measures are in place to prevent loss and unlawful or improper use of data subject to processing, and to avoid unauthorised access to said data.
The optional nature of the provision of data
Ignoring what has been specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide the personal data requested on the forms or in the contacts for the Institute to request the sending of information or other communications. Please note that failure to provide personal data may make it impossible to obtain the service requested.
Information on the use of cookies
Information on Cookies, pursuant to Articles 13 and 122 of Leg. Dec. 196/2003 (“Privacy Law”), Article 13 of the GDPR, and General Measures of the Italian Data Protection Authority of 8 May 2014.
What cookies are
Cookies are small text files sent by a website to a user's computer or other device used for browsing (e.g. a smartphone or tablet), where they are stored and then sent back again on the user's next visit to that particular website. Cookies can be stored permanently and for different periods of duration ('persistent cookies'), but can also disappear once the browser is closed or be for a limited duration ('session cookies'). Similarly, cookies can be installed by the site visited ('first-party cookies') and by other websites ('third-party cookies') and are used to perform IT authentications, monitor sessions and store information about the activities of users who visit a certain site.
The internet sites mentioned above use various types of cookies in order to speed up and simplify the browsing experience and make it more efficient. These cookies capture information about a user visiting a website (e.g. date and time, pages visited, time spent on the portal, etc.); some of this information can be classed as personal data and is therefore subject to specific provisions of the law.
If certain cookies are disable, this website may not work correctly.
Cookies used by this site and their purpose
Anonymous Analytical Cookies;
Third-party Cookies;
We use the data collected by the cookies to offer users the best possible experience on our site (Cookies for Site Performance). The cookies generated by navigation are used exclusively for statistical purposes (Anonymous Analytics Cookies), and do not allow identification of particular individuals.
It is also possible that on some of the site’s pages third parties may insert their own anonymous cookies (Third-party Cookies), in order to monitor the functioning of their own app, or to personalize it, adapting it to the user’s tastes and preferences. CCIP cannot access these cookies.
Profiling or advertising cookies
Our site does not use profiling or advertising cookies. These are cookies required to create user profiles to send advertising in line with the preferences expressed by a user on the page of a site. In accordance with current legislation, (Directive 2009/136 which modified the E-Privacy Directive 2002/58/EC and the provision-identification of simplified procedures to give information and obtain consent to use cookies – 8 May 2014.) our site is not obliged to request consent for technical and analytics cookies, since these are necessary to provide the services requested.
Denial of consent
Allowing or blocking cookies
It is possible to allow or block cookies on your PC, however, this website works best when all types of cookies are allowed. The cookie settings can be controlled and modified from your browser’s “Preferences”.
You may select your own browser and modify yourself the cookie settings.
Visit the site http://AboutCookies.org for further information on cookies and on how they affect your navigation experience. It is important to remember that disabling cookies can stop you using some, if not all, of the functions or sections of a website.